Moment of "Re"inventing- "Culture Assembly"

Tradition and culture shape who we are, however many of us no doubt can single out a moment of wanting to be ourselves; without worrying about identity, rules and follow a predefined path of being.

The freedom of being away from home allows me to reimagine and reinterpret historical perception; this acts as a foundation for me to re-contextualize my surrounding and the ideas of existence beyond what tradition and culture say about who I am, ultimately embody the vision of endless possibilities that I can have and control.

The aim of my work is to give a graphic display of spatial relationship and interconnection between changes internally through external; as well as represent a sophisticated communications system that functions not only exist in its own time but also across time, it translated to the fact that, tradition and culture is only part of a growing process, the journey lay in understanding the past, distill the present and pushing boundary for the future.

Moment of "Re"inventing- "Culture Assembly"

Moment of "Re"inventing- "Culture Assembly" - "Tool Made Tool Series"

Moment of "Re"inventing- "Culture Assembly" - “Building Block Series”

Moment of "Re"inventing- "Culture Assembly" - “Metricsgraph”

Moment of "Re"inventing- "Culture Assembly" - “The Act of Balance” 

Moment of "Re"inventing- "Culture Assembly" - "Per·co·late"

Moment of "Re"inventing- "Culture Assembly" - "Utility"

Moment of "Re"inventing- "Culture Assembly" - "Motionality Ver.2"